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Topics of interests:

  • Intergroup relations: Polarization, cooperation  

  • Emotion: Regulation, moral emotions

  • Morality: Moralization, moral norms, norm violations

  • Belief change: Prediction error, critical history


On-going Projects

  • Spirituality & climate beliefs​

  • Critical consciousness & support for redistribution

  • Parental vaccine hesitancy misinformation

  • Inceldom & fatalism

  • Nationalist beliefs: group efficacy & foreign interventionism​​

Education & Research Experiences:

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(2021 - Present)


(2019 - 2021)

  • H.BSc Psychology with high distinction, University of Toronto | 2021 

  • Research Assistant, University of Toronto (Dr. Brett Ford) Affective Science and Health Laboratory

    • Thesis: Regulating emotions after witnessing racism and the implications for anti-racist action 



  • Research Assistant, University of Toronto (Dr. Yoel Inbar) Political Orientation and the Moralization of Public Social Norms | 2019 - 2020

  • Research Assistant, Harvard University (Dr. Daniel Gilbert) Gilbert Lab | 2019

  • Research Assistant, University of Toronto (Dr. Kang Lee) NuraLogix | 2018

Publications: [Google Scholar]

  1.  Voelkel, J. G., Stagnaro, M. N., Chu, J...Javeed, A.,...Druckman, J., Rand, D. G., & Willer, R. (2023) Megastudy identifying effective interventions to strengthen American's democratic attitudes. (In-Review) [Preprint]

  2. Pretus, C., Javeed, A., Hughes, D. R., Hackenburg, K., Tsakiris, M., Vilarroya, O., & Van Bavel, J. J. (2023). The Misleading count: An identity-based intervention to mitigate the spread of partisan misinformation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B [Preprint]

  3. Koppel, L., Robertson, C., Doell, K., A, Javeed., Rasmussen, J., Rathje, S., Vlasceanu, M., & Van Bavel, J. J. (2023) Individual-level solutions may support system-level change- if they are internalized as part of one's social identity. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 

  4. Jost, J. T., Bertin, J. A., Javeed, A., Liaquat, U., & Rivera Pichardo, E. J. (2023). Ideology is not accuracy; Identity is not everything; and the Social Identity Model of Social Attitudes does not explain system justification, it presupposes it. European Review of Social Psychology.  

  5. Gatchpazian, A., Javeed, A., Green, D., Gross, J., & Ford, B. Q. To engage or disengage: Reappraisal tactic usage and collective action after anti-Black racism.

  6. Gatchpazian, A., Javeed, A., Green, D., Gross, J., & Ford, B. Q. Affective responding to anti-Black racism: How emotional experiences shape collective action.


  • Polarization, Google Jigsaw (2022)

    • Co-PIs: Ali Javeed & Jay van Bavel


  • Strengthening Democracy Intervention Tournament [link]

    • Shared by: Dr. Kim Doell, Dr. Steve Rathje, Dr. Jay Van Bavel. Designed and executed "Common Identity" intervention to reduce partisan animosity, anti-democratic attitudes, and partisan violence. 

  • SPSP Diversity Graduate Award 2022

    • Awarded based on excellence of scholarly record, and to increase presence of underrepresented minorities in Social and Personality Psychology 

  • SCSU Undergraduate Research Symposium 2021 

    • Second place, virtual research talk of thesis work in interdisciplinary conference

  • SPSP Diversity Undergraduate Registration Award 2021 

    • Supported by SPSP fund devoted to increasing diversity within personality and social psychology. Registration award winners receive complimentary registration SPSP Annual Convention

  • University of Toronto COVID-19 Student Engagement Award

    • Awards for groups of UofT students working on projects to foster global community during the COVID-19 pandemic. Funds awarded to further research of emotion regulation during the pandemic.  

  • UTSC Undergraduate Research Prize 2020

    • To recognize the recipient's research and creative activities, overall contribution to the University of Toronto Scarborough, and illustrate the role of the library in the research process.

  • University of Toronto Excellence Award  2020

    • To investigate the pros and cons of information seeking as a form of emotion regulation during the COVID-19 pandemic.   

  • NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award 2020

    • Awarded to nurture and fully develop potential for a research career in the natural sciences and engineering  on criteria of academic record and research aptitude *(nominated, declined).

  • Academic Travel Fund

    • Assistance to undertake an experience that contributes to the recipient's academic direction towards research,  and engaging academic community (experience at Harvard University). 

  • UTSC Undergraduate Poster Forum 2020 

    • Third Place, virtual-poster presentation of supervised study at the annual research forum. 


Symposium Talks​

  1. Javeed, A., Doell, K., Rathje, S., & Van Bavel, J (May, 2023) Shared identity to bridge divides. Association for Psychological Science  

  2. Javeed, A., Gatchpazian, A., Green, D., Gross, J., & Ford, B. Q. (February, 2022) To engage or disengage: Reappraisal tactic usage and anti-racist action after anti-Black racism. Society for Personality and Social Psychology

  3. Javeed, A., Gatchpazian, A., Green, D., & Ford, B. Q. (March, 2021). From the screens to the streets: Do emotional responses to witnessing discrimination impair anti-racist action? SCSU Undergraduate Research Symposium, Toronto, ON. (virtual). (2nd place) 


  1. Javeed, A., Gatchpazian, A., Green, D., & Ford, B. Q. (April, 2021). From the screens to the streets: Do emotional responses to witnessing discrimination impair anti-racist action? UTSC Undergraduate Poster Forum, Toronto, ON. (virtual). 

  2. (Talk) Javeed, A., Gatchpazian, A., Green, D., & Ford, B. Q. (March, 2021). From the screens to the streets: Do emotional responses to witnessing discrimination impair anti-racist action? SCSU Undergraduate Research Symposium, Toronto, ON. (virtual). (2nd place) 

  3. Javeed, A., Gatchpazian, A., Green, D., & Ford, B. Q. (February, 2021). From the screens to the streets: Do emotional responses to witnessing discrimination impair anti-racist action? Society for Personality and Social Psychology, (virtual). 

  4. Javeed, A. & Inbar, Y. (April, 2020). The virtuous side of the escalator: Political ideology and the moralization of public social norms. UTSC Undergraduate Research Poster Forum, Toronto, ON. (3rd place)

  5. Javeed, A. & Inbar, Y. (February, 2020). The virtuous side of the escalator: Political orientation and the moralization of public social norms.  Society for Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, LA.

Memberships & Affiliations

  • Society for Personality and Social Psychology ​

  • Association for Psychological Science  

  • The New York Academy of Sciences

  • Institute for Public Knowledge: Polarization and Radicalization Working Group 

  • Identities & Ideologies Project (NYU)

  • South Asian Network of Social and Personality Psychologists

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