Topics of interests:
Intergroup relations: Polarization, cooperation
Emotion: Regulation, moral emotions
Morality: Moralization, moral norms, norm violations
Belief change: Prediction error, critical history
On-going Projects
Spirituality & climate beliefs
Critical consciousness & support for redistribution
Parental vaccine hesitancy misinformation
Inceldom & fatalism
Nationalist beliefs: group efficacy & foreign interventionism
Education & Research Experiences:
(2021 - Present)
Ph.D Student, New York University
Projects with Dr. John Jost, Dr. Eric Knowles
(2019 - 2021)
H.BSc Psychology with high distinction, University of Toronto | 2021
Research Assistant, University of Toronto (Dr. Brett Ford) Affective Science and Health Laboratory
Thesis: Regulating emotions after witnessing racism and the implications for anti-racist action
Research Assistant, University of Toronto (Dr. Yoel Inbar) Political Orientation and the Moralization of Public Social Norms | 2019 - 2020
Research Assistant, Harvard University (Dr. Daniel Gilbert) Gilbert Lab | 2019
Research Assistant, University of Toronto (Dr. Kang Lee) NuraLogix | 2018
Publications: [Google Scholar]
Voelkel, J. G., Stagnaro, M. N., Chu, J...Javeed, A.,...Druckman, J., Rand, D. G., & Willer, R. (2023) Megastudy identifying effective interventions to strengthen American's democratic attitudes. (In-Review) [Preprint]
Pretus, C., Javeed, A., Hughes, D. R., Hackenburg, K., Tsakiris, M., Vilarroya, O., & Van Bavel, J. J. (2023). The Misleading count: An identity-based intervention to mitigate the spread of partisan misinformation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B [Preprint]
Koppel, L., Robertson, C., Doell, K., A, Javeed., Rasmussen, J., Rathje, S., Vlasceanu, M., & Van Bavel, J. J. (2023) Individual-level solutions may support system-level change- if they are internalized as part of one's social identity. Behavioral and Brain Sciences.
Jost, J. T., Bertin, J. A., Javeed, A., Liaquat, U., & Rivera Pichardo, E. J. (2023). Ideology is not accuracy; Identity is not everything; and the Social Identity Model of Social Attitudes does not explain system justification, it presupposes it. European Review of Social Psychology.
Gatchpazian, A., Javeed, A., Green, D., Gross, J., & Ford, B. Q. To engage or disengage: Reappraisal tactic usage and collective action after anti-Black racism.
Gatchpazian, A., Javeed, A., Green, D., Gross, J., & Ford, B. Q. Affective responding to anti-Black racism: How emotional experiences shape collective action.
Polarization, Google Jigsaw (2022)
Co-PIs: Ali Javeed & Jay van Bavel
Strengthening Democracy Intervention Tournament [link]
Shared by: Dr. Kim Doell, Dr. Steve Rathje, Dr. Jay Van Bavel. Designed and executed "Common Identity" intervention to reduce partisan animosity, anti-democratic attitudes, and partisan violence.
SPSP Diversity Graduate Award 2022
Awarded based on excellence of scholarly record, and to increase presence of underrepresented minorities in Social and Personality Psychology
SCSU Undergraduate Research Symposium 2021
Second place, virtual research talk of thesis work in interdisciplinary conference
SPSP Diversity Undergraduate Registration Award 2021
Supported by SPSP fund devoted to increasing diversity within personality and social psychology. Registration award winners receive complimentary registration SPSP Annual Convention
University of Toronto COVID-19 Student Engagement Award
Awards for groups of UofT students working on projects to foster global community during the COVID-19 pandemic. Funds awarded to further research of emotion regulation during the pandemic.
UTSC Undergraduate Research Prize 2020
To recognize the recipient's research and creative activities, overall contribution to the University of Toronto Scarborough, and illustrate the role of the library in the research process.
University of Toronto Excellence Award 2020
To investigate the pros and cons of information seeking as a form of emotion regulation during the COVID-19 pandemic.
NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award 2020
Awarded to nurture and fully develop potential for a research career in the natural sciences and engineering on criteria of academic record and research aptitude *(nominated, declined).
Academic Travel Fund
Assistance to undertake an experience that contributes to the recipient's academic direction towards research, and engaging academic community (experience at Harvard University).
UTSC Undergraduate Poster Forum 2020
Third Place, virtual-poster presentation of supervised study at the annual research forum.
Symposium Talks
Javeed, A., Doell, K., Rathje, S., & Van Bavel, J (May, 2023) Shared identity to bridge divides. Association for Psychological Science
Javeed, A., Gatchpazian, A., Green, D., Gross, J., & Ford, B. Q. (February, 2022) To engage or disengage: Reappraisal tactic usage and anti-racist action after anti-Black racism. Society for Personality and Social Psychology
Javeed, A., Gatchpazian, A., Green, D., & Ford, B. Q. (March, 2021). From the screens to the streets: Do emotional responses to witnessing discrimination impair anti-racist action? SCSU Undergraduate Research Symposium, Toronto, ON. (virtual). (2nd place)
Javeed, A., Gatchpazian, A., Green, D., & Ford, B. Q. (April, 2021). From the screens to the streets: Do emotional responses to witnessing discrimination impair anti-racist action? UTSC Undergraduate Poster Forum, Toronto, ON. (virtual).
(Talk) Javeed, A., Gatchpazian, A., Green, D., & Ford, B. Q. (March, 2021). From the screens to the streets: Do emotional responses to witnessing discrimination impair anti-racist action? SCSU Undergraduate Research Symposium, Toronto, ON. (virtual). (2nd place)
Javeed, A., Gatchpazian, A., Green, D., & Ford, B. Q. (February, 2021). From the screens to the streets: Do emotional responses to witnessing discrimination impair anti-racist action? Society for Personality and Social Psychology, (virtual).
Javeed, A. & Inbar, Y. (April, 2020). The virtuous side of the escalator: Political ideology and the moralization of public social norms. UTSC Undergraduate Research Poster Forum, Toronto, ON. (3rd place)
Javeed, A. & Inbar, Y. (February, 2020). The virtuous side of the escalator: Political orientation and the moralization of public social norms. Society for Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, LA.
Memberships & Affiliations
Society for Personality and Social Psychology
Association for Psychological Science
The New York Academy of Sciences
Institute for Public Knowledge: Polarization and Radicalization Working Group
Identities & Ideologies Project (NYU)
South Asian Network of Social and Personality Psychologists