Ramblings about my favourite shots
Starting off 2018 right with an Antifa counter-protest. First time inhaling smoke from a smoke bomb while taking this photo. No idea where it came from
As you may have seen from my shots, I love nature. But what's better than hiking some trails alone? Going off the trails alone.
Big things coming for Toronto - I can tell you that much
Slowly understanding deer body language and behaviour. I got closer than I ever have today - beautiful animals.
One of my earliest fixations with photography was the ability to zoom - the first standalone lens I bought was a telephoto. Today, I begin searching for wide angle composition.
Glanced away from the protest for a moment and -
Either I can leave early and take a mildly full bus, or leave at a comfortable time and be packed like a sardine. Before the sweat and tears fill the halls, the morning sun shoots in through the windows giving a shine to the otherwise ignored window sills.
I was at the beach, and didn't find any particularly interesting subjects until on my way out, I stumbled upon these two huskies. Definitely made the trip worthwhile.
Good people, good tea. Great way to unwind every friday.
Whenever I take photos like this my mind scrambles. Does a photo have to have polished composition to be considered a 'good' photo? I could easily point out how this photo has none, but also reason that it does. In reality, I took this while prone snapping wildly so I didn't miss the warm tones. Lets say I waited in the same spot the sun to come to me? Does the beauty of the photo change depending on the context?
With this erratic weather I doubt we'll get cherries this year, but the flowers came without fail. It's so refreshing to smell these after stepping out the door.
Bless Ryan's soul for knocking his head around this musty sweat trap while we shot the Kingsley Voice summer cover
I had a good time at King. Did everything I wanted to do, I knew what I want and worked towards it. Letting go will be easy. ( Like these balloons)
Being thankful of my Canadian identity is not only appreciating services like education and healthcare, but also being afforded the comfort to be able to explore art and express myself through it's many mediums.
Biked down to Woodbine beach from Scarborough, with my camera of course. Perfect day.
First rally that I ever photographed - literally had no idea what to expect. Verdict: More fun than I expected. *The drummer's other arm said "rebel"
Lots of spirit, little space to walk. UofT students (including myself) ran rampant through the streets before we got strapped to library seats for the next 4 years.
I've seen these guys come so far, it was a pleasure to seem them perform at the Cinecycle. Never have I been in a more hipster venue.
Met a lady in the park with a hand made bubble wand. "I try to do this every day if I can" was all she said. There was a breath of serenity as she slowly moved the wand through the air and bubbles the size of my torso slowly floated out.
We stopped traffic, in an unapologetic celebration of community song, drum and dance. Definitely the most powerful demonstration by my indigenous brothers and sisters that I've seen in a long time. Beautiful.
Pay attention to the small things around you.
Fun Fact: If you pull on the hood ornament it gets sucked back into the hood and can only be released from inside
I was trying to get a shot of the bench with the overlay of the trees. I thought this cigar toting photo-bomber ruined my shot until i checked on the computer and he had enhanced it
Throughout the whole walk/run in the back of my head, there was a nagging feeling that I wasn't capturing the vastness of our event. It wasn't until being ~100m of the end that I was able to get this angle and take the shot while the boy was telling a joke to his friend behind him. I was finally at peace.
Saw some blurry figures from my window until I realized the deer were back! I decided against feeding them and took some photos instead.
As I was shooting the show on the second night, I was running to the back to get a wide shot of Maria lonely in center stage. I saw this reflection in the display case and was mesmerized for a moment. It was like staring through a window to the show on the other side of the wall.
Had some free time and decided to see how high in the hotel I could go without getting in trouble. As I was circling from the top floor balconies, I spotted this, I found it really interesting how both subjects were the only things contrasting the barren blue landscape but were also facing away from eachother
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